Friday, August 15, 2008

On the Backstretch

Finished up my last day of work today...a bitter sweet sort of goodbye. I am excited to start and finish my last year of highschool and get on with life...but its always sad to wave goodbye to the vibrant days of Summer. I am hoping to set my focus this year on preparing for college life, independent of parental supervision, and growing closer to God as my personal Savior. I am hoping to make a difference this year, as to where that will be, i am not yet sure. I am confident, however, that God will use me wherever He thinks I need to be. I am also putting my future in His hands. My greatest worry is not meeting the right guy, or choosing the wrong direction for a career or the wrong college. I know that I need to give these worries up to God and trust that He has a plan for my life and will do what is best for me. As I go through this year, I am not gunna push anything or try and make something happen...if its supposed to happen, then it will...but not in my time, and maybe not in the way that i expect it to. I am hoping for a great senior year full of lots of fun and lots of great memories! I hope something exciting happen!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Food For Thought

I have been reading the book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I am actually not that far into it but something in the very beginning caught my attention and made me stop and think. C.S. Lewis says that in his book he will not proclaim any one of the many denominations of christianity to be "the right one". He says christianity is following the teaching of Christ and accepting His son as your personal Savior, pure and simple. The different ways that that message is presented is really insignificant if we take time to think about what is at stake. Lewis says that as christians our mission is to reach the lost, unbelievers that surround us every day. I dont know anyone who would disagree with that statement. He believes that if we as christians are always fighting each other over which denomination is the correct one, or which little details are more accurate, then we do nothing but push nonbelievers farther away from accepting Christ as their Savior. He says that if there is not unity amoung the believers then how can we expect any nonbeliever to want what we have if all they see is fighting and strife.
I think Lewis is right on the money with this mindset, but it goes deeper than just denominations and details of one over the other. It reaches into every church of every denomination. When people think of the church or christians they cringe because what they know as "christians" has given the church and the followers of Christ a bad name. When they think christians or church they think of rules, hypocritical people condemning everyone who doesnt think like they do, people who are hateful to each other over insignificant differences. Tell me, if this is the impression we give then how can we possinby blame lost people for not running to christianity with open arms?
The church is supposed to be the body of Christ. Christians are to be the hands and feet of Christ extended. Christ represents love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, compassion and an opportunity to come as you are and not be judged. If christians are supposed to be His hands and feet extended then shouldn't we show nonbelievers those things? The things that Christ himself was in His time on earth? If what nonbelievers saw today, from the people they think are condemning jerks, was love, compassion, forgiveness, grace, a non-judging spirit, and unity, wouldn't they be more willing to listen to what we have to say about the one we follow?
As we head back into the school year and are once again surrounded by those who need to feel the love of Christ, i encourage you as well as myself to be the hands and feet of Christ. See what a difference we can make if we are what God needs us to be as His followers.