Friday, August 15, 2008

On the Backstretch

Finished up my last day of work today...a bitter sweet sort of goodbye. I am excited to start and finish my last year of highschool and get on with life...but its always sad to wave goodbye to the vibrant days of Summer. I am hoping to set my focus this year on preparing for college life, independent of parental supervision, and growing closer to God as my personal Savior. I am hoping to make a difference this year, as to where that will be, i am not yet sure. I am confident, however, that God will use me wherever He thinks I need to be. I am also putting my future in His hands. My greatest worry is not meeting the right guy, or choosing the wrong direction for a career or the wrong college. I know that I need to give these worries up to God and trust that He has a plan for my life and will do what is best for me. As I go through this year, I am not gunna push anything or try and make something happen...if its supposed to happen, then it will...but not in my time, and maybe not in the way that i expect it to. I am hoping for a great senior year full of lots of fun and lots of great memories! I hope something exciting happen!!

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