Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I need wisdom. I dont normally like to quit something i started, including a school situation, but as i get into the school year I feel like I am wasting alot of things. I feel like Im wasting time, I spend over half my day in electives. I feel like im wasting my parents money, they are paying for me to take classes that dont matter? I think I could make better use of my time. College classes, working, helping with the church, building relationships, the list goes on and on. I need wisdom in deciding what i should do as far as school goes. I am praying about going to a school where i am not is school doing nothing all day. I may be making too big of a deal out of this...but there is more to it than my use of time. The environment at my current school is not one I like and I think that I could be doing more for Christ at a less "christianized" school. I am not sure of anything at this point and I would appreciate your prayer.


Jason Powers said...

I'm definitely praying for you, and I'm way impressed that you take the time and initiative to process things of this ilk. God will honor you. I think you're great. Stay stupendous.

Peace out.

Jason Powers said...

Oh... and I referenced your blog in my blog.

Natalie Powers said...

You have a blog!!! Me too!!! :) Love your post.